sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

Terremoto do Chile - Google lança site de procura de pessoas.


O Google lançou hoje um site de procura para conectar rápidamente aqueles que procuram por pessoas desaparecidas no terremoto do Chile e aqueles que tem alguma informação.
A interface simples permite a escolha de duas opções: "Eu estou procurando por alguém" ou "Eu tenho informações sobre alguém" e depois permite procurar a informação ou entrar dados sobre alguém.
No momento o site está com 4.600 registros.
A site é similar ao usado no terremoto do Haiti.

Hawaii Tsunami Preps From CBS Station KGMB

Live video by Ustream

Live earthquake coverage from Chile - USTREAM - tv de chile

Webcam chat at Ustream

Live earthquake coverage from Chile - USTREAM

Terremoto no Chile

  1. G1 > Mundo - NOTÍCIAS - Terremoto derruba ponte no Chile

    A Puente Viejo, ponte sobre o rio Bío Bío em Concepción, no Chile, desabou após o terremoto de 8,8 graus de magnitude que atingiu a região central do país ...

    O número de mortos pelo terremoto de 8,8 graus de magnitude que atingiu a região central do Chile na madrugada deste sábado (27) chega a 122 até agora, ...
  2. Forte terremoto atinge o Chile; 85 morreram, diz governo - 27/02 ...Um terremoto de magnitude 8,8 atingiu o centro-sul do Chile na madrugada deste sábado (27), o maior tremor no país em 25 anos. ...
  3. Terremoto de magnitude 8,8 atinge Chile - Último Segundo / BBC - IGTerremoto de magnitude 8,8 atinge Chile Um terremoto de magnitude 8,8 atingiu no sábado o centro-sul do Chile, o maior tremor no país em 25 anos.
  4. Terremoto de 8,3 graus atinge o Chile SANTIAGO DO CHILE - Um terremotode 8,3 graus na escala Richter, com epicentro no mar, atingiu hoje a região central ...

    Presidente Michele Bachelet pede que população mantenha calma e prevê maior número de mortes.

    Costa de todas as ilhas do Havaí podem sofrer danos, alerta órgão especializado do governo dos Estados Unidos.

    terremoto de 8,3 graus na escala Richter que atingiu hoje o centro do Chile foi sentido em boa parte do território argentino, embora, até o momento, ...
  5. terremoto que atingiu o Chile na madrugada deste sábado matou ao menos 64 pessoas, segundo informou o ministro do Interior do país, Edmundo Perez Yoma.

    Sismólogo da UnB diz que impacto do terremoto no Chile teve grandes proporções ... Em 1960, o Chile foi alvo do terremoto mais forte já registrado no mundo, ...
  6. BRUXELAS - A União Europeia está disposta a enviar ajuda imediata às vítimas do forte terremoto que atingiu o Chile na madrugada deste sábado (27), ...

    Um terremoto de magnitude 8,8 atingiu o centro-sul do Chile no sábado, o maior tremor no país em 25 anos. Pelo menos 64 pessoas morreram no tremor, ...

Sismo do Chile de 2010

sismo do Chile de 2010 ocorreu em 27 de fevereiro de 2010 às 03h 34min 14s do horário local (06h 34min 14s UTC)[2]. Foi lançado um alerta de tsunami para as costas do Chile, Peru, Panamá, Costa Rica, Antárctida e Japão. A magnitude do sismo foi de 8,8Mw[2].
O seu epicentro foi no mar ao largo de Maule, a cerca de 90 km a nor-noroeste de Chillán e 115 km a nor-nordesde de Concepción, a maior cidade costeira chilena.[2] A hora local era 3:34 da madrugada, e terá durado entre 10 e 30 segundos.[3] Os efeitos do sismo puderam ser sentidos em lugares distantes como a cidade de São PauloBrasil,[4] localizada a cerca de 3 000 km (1 900 mi) de Concepción.
O abalo provocou pelo menos 122 mortes confirmadas[1].
A costa do Chile é um local onde são relativamente frequentes fortes sismos porque a zona é atravessada pela divisão de duas placas tectónicas; a placa de Nazca e a placa Sul-Americana.


Sismo, também chamado de terremoto (português brasileiro) ou terramoto (português europeu) , é um fenômeno de vibração brusca e passageira da superfície da Terra, resultante de movimentos subterrâneos de placas rochosas, de atividade vulcânica, ou por deslocamentos (migração) de gases no interior da Terra, principalmente metano. O movimento é causado pela liberação rápida de grandes quantidades de energia sob a forma de ondas sísmicas.
A maior parte dos terremotos ocorrem nas fronteiras entre placas tectônicas, ou emfalhas entre dois blocos rochosos. O comprimento de uma falha pode variar de alguns centímetros até milhares de quilômetros, como é o caso da falha de San Andreas naCalifórniaEstados Unidos.
Só nos Estados Unidos ocorrem de 12 mil a 14 mil terremotos anualmente (ou seja, aproximadamente 35 por dia). Baseado em registros históricos de longo prazo, aproximadamente 18 grandes terremotos (de 7,0 a 7,9 na Escala de Richter) e um terremoto gigante (8 ou acima) podem ser esperados num ano.
Entre os efeitos dos terremotos estão a vibração do solo, abertura de falhas,deslizamentos de terratsunamismudanças na rotação da Terra, além de efeitos deletérios em construções feitas pelo homem, resultando em perda de vidas, ferimentos e altos prejuízos financeiros e sociais (como o desabrigo de populações inteiras, facilitando a proliferação de doenças, fome, etc).
O maior terremoto já registado foi o Grande Terremoto do Chile em 1960 que atingiu 9.5 na escala de Richter seguido pelo do Alasca em 1964 que atingiu 9.2 na mesma escala.

Fotos tiradas na hora e no ângulo certos

Access All Your Online Photos In One Place With Showzey

Access All Your Online Photos In One Place With Showzey

from MakeUseOf.com 

showzeylogoOK, so there are more than a few different places online to keep our photos.  You may have accounts on Flickr, Google Picasa,Facebook, and even your Gmail account.  One problem we run into is that our photos are scattered!  Sometimes it’s difficult to find something if you have forgotten where it was uploaded to in the first place.
Now we have a solution with Showzey.  Showzey is an online photo organizer that promises to “liberate” your photos by bringing them together in one place.  It helps you “take control of your photos.”  Basically, you give Showzey access to your photo services (including photos in your email) and Showzey brings them all together for you in one place.

Although this article will be introducing you to this online photo organizer service and walking you through the photo importing process, Showzey also sports many very cool tools.  For more information about what Showzey can do, check out the FAQ and some video tutorials.

Select The Services To Import Photos From

online photo organizer
After I clicked on the “Get Started” button, a window pops up asking which services I’d like to import photos from.  The services listed are Google Mail, Facebook, Google Web Picasa, and Flickr Photo Sharing.  I have tested Picasa and Flickr but not Facebook or Google Mail.

Begin The Connecting Process

I began the connecting process by connecting my Flickr account to Showzey.  Once clicking “connect“, I got a message telling me what was going to happen (I will be asked to allow Showzey to use Yahoo! OpenID to log into Showzey AND to allow Showzey to interact with my Flickr account).
Agreeing to continue with the process, I clicked “OK” and was ushered on.

Allow Yahoo! ID To Sign You Into Showzey

Clicking “OK” at this point certifies that I agree with Yahoo’s Terms Of Service and Showzey’s policy.  If you have any question as to what each of those say, there is a link to each at this stage.

Authorize Showzey To Link To Your Flickr account

There are three specific actions that Showzey will be authorized to do: access a Flickr account; upload, edit and replace photos; and interact with other members’ photos and videos.  Realize that if you ever delete your Showzey account, you’ll also want to remove permissions in your Flickr settings from Showzey.  Also realize that other photo services are just as easy as granting access to Flickr.

Check Out All Of Your Photos

When I was done granting access to all of my photo services, I was given a link to access all of my photos.
From here I was able to see all of my photos in one place, just as Showzey promised.  As you can seeShowzey gives quite a few options to view, tag, mark, save in sets, share, save and copy them to another service.
It would be good to note again that if you use Showzey, you ARE giving them access to your other services.  When you give a tool access to something, like your Flickr account, you are trusting them with your information.  Read their policies before beginning and make sure you trust them.
What online photo organizers do you use to keep track of all of your photos online?  How about offline?  Share in the comments!

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Linksys router turned into smartphone-controlled doorman

Linksys router turned into smartphone-controlled doorman (video)

from Engadget 

Linksys router turned into smartphone-controlled doorman (video)
Working for a large company comes with a lot of baggage, the least of which is an RFID security badge. For those small companies who can't afford such extravagantly wireless door key solutions there's another option: this DIY project completed by a team of developers at Sunlight Labs. It all centers around aLinksys WRT54GL, a Linux-based wireless router that, with a little firmware hackery and a bit of wiring, was tethered into the office's door release buzzer. The team then went about allowing SSH access to the router and created Android and iPhone apps that instantly connect to the device and open the door, authenticated by a PIN and a unique ID assigned to each device. Users can also deliver their PIN via SMS or a simple phone call to open the door. Elegant, impressive, open source, and one less thing to forget on a Monday morning when groggily heading to the office.
Continue reading Linksys router turned into smartphone-controlled doorman (video)

sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010

The Global Guru: Latin America's Mexico: The Next BRIC Economy?

The Global Guru: Latin America's Mexico: The Next BRIC Economy?

For all the attention global investors have lavished on Brazil in recent years, in the minds of average investors, Latin America still has an image problem. While Asia evokes images of gleaming skyscrapers, high-tech exports, and boatloads of bright, future PhDs populating the campuses of the top U.S. universities, when you hear the words "Latin America," you may still think of high inflation, drug trafficking, and urban slums. But the region may produce the next country to join the vaunted, high-growth BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China. 

The irony is that gleaming Asian skyscrapers don't necessarily translate into stellar investment returns. Compare the returns on two broad-based indices of Latin America and Asia (excluding economic problem child Japan). The surprising reality is that you would have made a lot more money in Latin America over the past five years than by investing in the high-growth companies of Asia. 

Chart for iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index (ILF)

Understanding that you don't necessarily generate the best returns by investing in countries with the highest growth rates and most impressive skylines is one of the most counterintuitive yet important insights to maximizing your returns in global investments.

Over the coming weeks, I will be devoting an issue of The Global Guru to each of the Latin American economies (other than Brazil, which I have covered elsewhere), in which you can invest through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or American Depository Receipts(ADRs) listed on U.S. exchanges: Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Colombia. 

Mexico: The Almost BRIC 

Mexico still feels slighted that, back in 2001, Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill anointed politically corrupt, emerging-market "bad boy" Russia, and not Mexico, as the fourth member in Jim O'Neill's now famous BRIC acronym. After all, Mexico's economy is only slightly smaller than Russia's. And like Russia, it has produced its share of billionaires, most notably Carlos Slim, whose holdings in telecom giant America Movil (AMX) briefly made him richer than Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. 

While Washington, D.C., is obsessed with what is happening 7,000 miles away in Beijing, the future of Mexico may have a bigger impact on the future of the United States than China ever will. Jim Rogers has even predicted the eventual dissolution of the United States in favor of a new, Spanish-speaking country that eventually will engulf California and much of the Southwest United States. Yet, it is precisely this familiarity with Mexico that causes U.S. investors to underestimate the investment potential of the economy just south of the border. 

Mexico: Development in Fits and Starts 

It was the election of former President Vicente Fox in 2000 that transformed Mexico from economic basket case to potential BRIC rival. Fox presided over five years of unprecedented macroeconomic stability in Mexico, during which poverty in Mexico dropped precipitously and inflation fell into low single digits. At the same time, the government's anti-drug campaign faltered. Mexico's justice system -- the police, the courts, the jails -- remained a disaster. And Fox made no progress in breaking up public and private monopolies, or in enhancing the labor market's flexibility that could kick-start economic growth to reach BRIC levels. 

And then there is the issue of Mexico's dependence on oil. As recently as 2006, Mexico was the fifth-largest oil producer in the world, accounting for 15% of its exports and 9% of its GDP. Since then, its global ranking has plummeted to #10, as the income brought in by oil collapsed and may even threaten the country's credit rating. 

Mexico: In Uncle Sam's Long Shadow

It used to be that when the United States sneezed, the rest of the world caught a cold. But with the U.S. accounting for more than 80% of Mexico's exports, a U.S. sneeze has always been more akin to giving Mexico pneumonia. NAFTA in 1994 brought free trade, modernization, new technology and rapid growth to Mexico's economy; however, the trade agreement left Mexico dependent on the American economy. The maquiladoraborder industry turned Mexico into an export powerhouse which, at the peak in 2000, had a $20-billion trade surplus with the United States. 

But by 2003, China had emerged as a major competitor. While a Mexican worker would work for $2 an hour, a Chinese worker will toil for 22 cents. Although they were next door to the United States, Mexican factories simply could not compete. Forced to restructure, the maquiladora recovered riding the coattails of U.S. economic strength. But the overnight emergence of a competitor from halfway around the world made Mexico realize that it was now playing in a global game. While the United States still remains by far Mexico's most important trade partner, Mexico steadily increased its exports to other nations as its trade with Costa Rica, Chile, Honduras and the European Union has grown rapidly. 

The "Great Recession" of 2008 and 2009 revealed the structural weaknesses in Mexico's economy. It contracted at the fastest pace in more than 25 years last quarter, as the global recession and swine flu caused a plunge in industrial output and services. The lagging U.S. economy took its toll on Mexican migrant workers, who sent home 16% less money in 2009 than in previous years. 

Mexico: Making Money South of the Border 

If negative headlines, stories of violent drug busts, and the onslaught of illegal immigration make you hesitant about investing in Mexico, think again. Had you invested $10,000 in the iShares MSCI Mexico Investable Mkt Idx (EWW) on March 1, 2000, you'd be sitting on $33,189 -- a 232% gain. Invest that same amount into the S&P 500 and you'd have $9,466. Investing in Mexico over the past 10 years would have put you far ahead of even Warren Buffett. 

http://content.eaglepub.com/images/144/Chart for iShares MSCI Mexico Investable Mkt Idx (EWW)

The lesson? Sometimes the biggest global investment opportunities are right at your doorstep. Don't let over familiarity impede your investment profits. 

Nicholas A. Vardy 
Editor, The Global Guru 

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