domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Android Now at 40% of Smartphone Share

Android Now at 40% of Smartphone Share: "

We all know Android is growing; there’s no denying the numbers. Just like there’s no denying that Apple has a large share, RIM is dying, and Windows Phone is off somewhere by the fence huffing spraypaint. In the latest mobile subscriber number results from comScore, Android has now gobbled up a whopping 40 percent of the market share as of June, up 5.4% from March. This is leaving Apple farther and farther behind, which is at 26.6%, and Microsoft, RIM and Symbian all lost share.

Check out the results below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Top Smartphone Platforms

3 Month Avg. Ending Jun. 2011 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Mar. 2011

Total U.S. Smartphone Subscribers Ages 13+

Source: comScore MobiLens
Share (%) of Smartphone Subscribers
Mar-11Jun-11Point Change
Total Smartphone Subscribers100.0%100.0%N/A

Android Now at 40% of Smartphone Share


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