Wi-Fi has completely changed the way we browse the net and use the internet in our day to day life. The complete comfort of accessing internet at better speeds is achieved through Wi-Fi networks.
This article explains how to make a WiFi antenna out of a Pringles can, which you can use to boost your Wi-Fi network speeds.
Here is the procedure :
What is Cantenna?
In order to boost your Wi-Fi internet network speed, you need to make an arrangement and fix it on the roof of your home. This equipment is built with the help of tin cans and it acts like an antenna. Thus, it is called a ‘Can’tenna.
Here are a few advantages that you can get by installing a cantenna on your roof top.
- As it acts like an extra antenna, the range of your Wi-Fi network also increases, thus enabling more data transfer speeds and more mobility.
- It is proven that cantennas have more gain than the normal commercial antennas.
- Automatically detects Wi-Fi hot spots.
- Building one such antenna is really cheap and affordable.
A cantenna is very much essential if you love mobility. Arranging a cantenna helps you to connect to the internet on your PC, laptop or Wi-Fi-enabled mobile handsets without the need for any wires. The speed at which you can access the internet is also reliable. You can play online role-playing games which would otherwise not be possible on any other modes of wireless connectivity options like GPRS.
To add up spice, building your own antenna with the helps of wires and getting connected to the internet will increase your reputation among your group of friends and you can enjoy the privilege of getting called a geek.
How to Make a WiFi Antenna: Components needed!
Don’t get too excited and be sure that you get all the components mentioned below before starting to build one. Constructing a Cantenna is very easy provided you have all the required material with you ready. Get the following components before you start.
- Empty Pringles potato chips can.
- The N-type female connector
- The N-type connector from the back
- RP-SMA male connector components
The above components can be obtained from any electronics spare parts shop or a radio repair shop. You also require the following components:
- A wire cutter
- A small drill to make a hole or two.
- A solder and simple skills to efficiently make the soldering.
Follow the steps that are illustrated below, which do not take you more than 30 minutes.
- After consuming all the chips, rinse the empty tin with water and dry it clean.
From the bottom side of the empty tin, measure the length of 3 3/8 inches and carefully drill a small hole such that the N type female connector can get in.
- Solder one end of the RG cable to the N type female connector. Here we will learn to make the special cable called a pig-tail.
RG cable is a co-axial cable and the inner material is a conductor. This has to be inserted to the protruding metal whereas the protective shield (insulating material) has to be soldered to the body.
The other end of the RG cable has to be soldered to the SMA male connector. The small male pin has to be soldered to the inner conductor of the cable and then it is carefully inserted through the hole of the connector.
That is the end of the construction of the pig-tail.
- Solder gauge 12 copper wire of sufficient length to the N type connector.
- Place the entire assembly on the tin can. The SMA connector has to be arranged in such a way that it passes through the top hole of the tin. The resulting structure can be seen in the image below.
- This arrangement should be dropped down inside until the center along the length of the can. Carefully pull the extra cable and cut it off.
- You can fix the arrangement tight with the help of a few screws if needed. Put back the cable. Now, the reflector is ready.
- Fix a nut to the one end of the metal rod and hold the rod in such a way that the nut points the ground down.
- As shown in the picture, arrange a lid and slide it down along the rod until it touches the nut. Also, drop in 3 washers to the middle of the rod. In case the diameter of the washers is larger than the inner rod, then take 4 other pieces of hollow rod and arrange them one after the another with the washers in between. This way, the washers get arranged well as shown below.
Now, along with two other washers, insert a hollow insulating material. Even a thin plastic material is sufficient for this.
- Now, it can be easily mounted. Close the lid of the chips can back with the rod hanging inside. Precaution has to be taken to see that the inner rod does not touch the walls of the copper filament that was previously soldered to the N-type connector.
- Congratulations! Your new Wi-Fi antenna is ready to get tested.
Desktop users with an external WLAN card can start finding the new method working for them with no other hassle. But on a laptop that has an inbuilt Wi-Fi system?
You need to do a little more hacks to enjoy the new power of the existing Wi-Fi network on your laptop. On the lower side of the laptop, you can find a small cover. Open it and replace the existing cables with your own. But be sure and think twice about what you are doing because you may void the warranty.
Process of testing:
The antenna that you have made is called a Yagi antenna. These are highly directional and have very high gain. Due to their high directional properties, they also have high range. Now, to set up the connection and start using the internet, aim slightly to the left or right of the receiver of your neighbor and carefully adjust your antenna by rotating it slightly to receive the best gain.
If the antenna is left out in the open sky, then you need to take care of its protection from the weather. Place the arrangement in a PVC pipe so that it doesn’t get rusted.
Have you managed to build an antenna like this? Do you have other techniques on how to make a WiFi antenna? Having trouble making your own? Leave a comment and we’ll try and help you out.
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